22.05 Neutron Science and Reactor Physics
Fall 2006
Prof. John Bernard
Prof. John Bernard
Course Meeting Times
Three sessions / week
1 hour / session
One session / week
2 hours / session
Three sessions / week
1 hour / session
One session / week
2 hours / session
The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory is a tank-type reactor. The fuel elements of uranium are positioned in a hexagonal core structure at the bottom of the core tank, while power is controlled by six shim blades and an automatic regulating rod. The pressure in the system is roughly atmospheric, and the maximum temperature approximately 120 degrees F. (Image courtesy of William McGee. Used with permission.)
Course Description
This course introduces fundamental properties of the neutron. It covers reactions induced by neutrons, nuclear fission, slowing down of neutrons in infinite media, diffusion theory, the few-group approximation, point kinetics, and fission-product poisoning. We emphasize the nuclear physics basis of reactor design and its relationship to reactor engineering problems.
If this number is known, we can use the basic data obtained experimentally and theoretically from low-energy neutron physics to predict the rates at which all possible nuclear reactions, including fission, will take place throughout the region. Thus we can predict how much nuclear power will be generated at any given time at any location in the region.
Course Objective
The central problem of reactor physics can be stated quite simply. It is to compute, for any time t, the characteristics of the free-neutron population throughout an extended region of space containing an arbitrary, but known, mixture of materials. Specifically we wish to know the number of neutrons in any infinitesimal volume dV that have kinetic energies between E and E + ΔE and are traveling in directions within an infinitesimal angle of a fixed direction specified by the unit vector Ω.If this number is known, we can use the basic data obtained experimentally and theoretically from low-energy neutron physics to predict the rates at which all possible nuclear reactions, including fission, will take place throughout the region. Thus we can predict how much nuclear power will be generated at any given time at any location in the region.
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