Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sejarah Sekolah

In 1896, Antoine Henri Becquerel explained how exposure to light could cause salts of uranium to emit strange rays very much like the x-rays discovered a few months before. Strangely, the most exciting feature of Becquerel's discovery was that he was wrong; uranium did not emit anything because of exposure to light.

In fact, Becquerel had observed the spontaneous transmutation of one supposedly immutable "element" into another! It was in this fantastic shift of our world view that the fields of nuclear engineering and radiological science have their origin. 

For his pioneering work, Becquerel won the 1903 Nobel Prize ; in addition, a unit of radiation equal to 1 decay per second was named after him. 

In the Nuclear Science and Technology School, we are interested in all of the fields of technological application that have grown out of this hundred-year old discovery. 

This relatively recent genesis actually makes nuclear engineering and radiological science the youngest of the engineering professions having achieved all of their technological application in the last fifty years. 

Nuclear engineering and radiological sciences are concerned with the technological uses of radioactive materials.

These applications include: 

* The extraction of useful energy from the nucleus of the atom, 

* The manufacture and safe handling of an incredible number of radioactive isotopes that are used in industry and in many hospital diagnostic procedures, 

* The modification of material properties for practical purposes, and 

* The development of new instruments and scanners to detect and image radiation. 

What can our graduates do?

The answer is just about anything. 

Nuclear Science & Engineering are diverse fields and lead to many different career paths. Below are some examples of areas where our graduates find employment. 

*Power Industry 

*Nuclear Medicine 

*Health Physics, and Radiation Safety 

*Nanotechnology Materials Research and Design and 

*Development Radiation Detection and Measurement 

*Thermonuclear Fusion 

Fokus dalam Pendidikan dan penyebaran IPTEKS Nuklir pada Masyarakat Luas Nuclear Education System.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Visi dan Misi Sekolah


”Penyedia SDM iptek nuklir yang Profesional”


# Menyelenggarakan dan mengembangkan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat secara profesional dan berkelanjutan.

# Membangun dan menerapkan nilai-nilai moral dan etika akademis

# Menerapkan dan mengembangkan Sistem Manajemen Mutu Terpadu.

Nuclear energy is one of the many natural resources that we know how to turn into heat and electricity. It is, by far, the most energy-dense of all these natural resources, meaning we can extract more heat and electricity from a given amount of it than from an equivalent amount of anything else. 

As an example, consider a chunk of coal and chunk of natural (unenriched) uranium, both weighing the same (1 kg) and both mined and isolated straight out of the earth. If we could suck all the energy out of the coal, it would run a 100W light-bulb for about 4 days. With the uranium, we could run the bulb for about 180 years. That’s just using the good kind of uranium, too. If we used a fast reactor and sucked all the energy from the not-so-good atoms in the same block of uranium, the light bulb could burn for 24,000 years

This kind of energy density eliminates huge amounts of the environmental footprint required to use less dense fuels, such as huge coal mines, massive gas and oil fields, trainloads of fuel shipments, and expansive wind or solar farms. Oh, and nuclear reactors do this all without releasing any pollutants into the environment.

Maju Terus IPTEK Nuklir Indonesia 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mengenai Nuclear Science & Technology School

The Nuclear Science & Technology School provides educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students interested in advancing the frontiers of nuclear science and engineering and in developing applications of nuclear technology for the benefit of society and the environment. 

We prepare our students to make contributions to the scientific fundamentals of our field; to the development and engineering of nuclear systems for energy generation, security, health care, and other applications; and to the integration of nuclear systems into society and the natural environment. 

Our Department's field of study is nuclear reactions and radiation, their applications, and their consequences. 

We generate, control, and apply nuclear reactions and radiation for the benefit of society and the environment. 

We contribute to the innovations needed for a major global expansion of nuclear energy and to educating the next generation of leaders of the local, national and global nuclear energy enterprise, while also laying the foundations for new applications of nuclear and radiation science and technology. 

To achieve these goals research at the Department focuses on three strong application areas of great societal importance:

Fission Energy, Fusion Energy, and Nuclear Security. 

In addition, we emphasize three cross-cutting research commons: 

I. Analysis, modeling and simulation of nuclear systems; 

II. Materials in extreme environments; and 

III. Radiation sources, detectors, and measurements. 

While the three main application areas provide a focus for research and drive the Department's specialized educational offerings, especially at the graduate level, the three research commons enable new connections to be made across the Department at the frontiers of nuclear science and engineering.

Semoga Bermanfaat Bagi Kemanusiaan.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Selamat Datang Dunia


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