In 1896, Antoine Henri Becquerel explained how exposure to light could cause salts of uranium to emit strange rays very much like the x-rays discovered a few months before. Strangely, the most exciting feature of Becquerel's discovery was that he was wrong; uranium did not emit anything because of exposure to light.
In fact, Becquerel had observed the spontaneous transmutation of one supposedly immutable "element" into another! It was in this fantastic shift of our world view that the fields of nuclear engineering and radiological science have their origin.
For his pioneering work, Becquerel won the 1903 Nobel Prize ; in addition, a unit of radiation equal to 1 decay per second was named after him.
In the Nuclear Science and Technology School, we are interested in all of the fields of technological application that have grown out of this hundred-year old discovery.
This relatively recent genesis actually makes nuclear engineering and radiological science the youngest of the engineering professions having achieved all of their technological application in the last fifty years.
Nuclear engineering and radiological sciences are concerned with the technological uses of radioactive materials.
These applications include:
* The extraction of useful energy from the nucleus of the atom,
* The manufacture and safe handling of an incredible number of radioactive isotopes that are used in industry and in many hospital diagnostic procedures,
* The modification of material properties for practical purposes, and
* The development of new instruments and scanners to detect and image radiation.
What can our graduates do?
The answer is just about anything.
Nuclear Science & Engineering are diverse fields and lead to many different career paths.
Below are some examples of areas where our graduates find employment.
*Power Industry
*Nuclear Medicine
*Health Physics, and Radiation Safety
*Nanotechnology Materials Research and Design and
*Development Radiation
Detection and Measurement
*Thermonuclear Fusion
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Nuclear Education System.
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