Sunday, April 28, 2013

IPTEK Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir

"Seorang Ilmuwan Sedang Menjelaskan Karya Poster Ilmiahnya Kepada Para Pengunjung"

Makalah Undangan:
  1. “Arah Kebijakan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Nuklir”,
    Prof. Dr. Djarot S. Wisnubroto (Kepala BATAN)  pdf (3051K)
  2. “Peran Dunia Pendidikan Dalam Memajukan Teknologi PLTN di Indonesia”,
    Dr. Ade Gaffar Abdullah (UPI - Bandung)  pdf (8962K)
  3. “Nuclear Power Accident at TMI, Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi”
    Dr. Toshio WAKABAYASHI (JAIF International Cooperation Center) pdf (12285K)
  4. “Management of Radioactive Waste Generated by Fukushima NPP Accident”
    Mr. Yutaka KAWAKMI (JAIF International Cooperation Center) pdf (13548K)


Menjadi inovator dan pendukung teknis bidang teknologi dan keselamatan reaktor nuklir 


Melaksanakan litbang desain reaktor riset inovatif 
Melaksanakan litbang desain reaktor daya maju kogenerasi 
Melaksanakan kajian desain teknis dan keselamatan PLTN tipe PWR 
Mengoptimalkan fasilitas dan infrastruktur litbang

Video: Nuclear Power Plant Safety, Tomorrow-Today

Photo by: A.N at Nuclear Energy Conference

Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:

Kak Rezy Pradipta, Ph.D.

(Alumni Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia, Belajar di Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT)

Prof. Mujid S. Kazimi, Ph.D. (Director, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems MIT)

Prof. Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto, M.Sc., D.Sc. (Presiden BATAN)

Kak Iqbal Robiyana, S.Pd. (Founder Center for Nuclear Education at Indonesia University of Education)

Teh Nina Widiawati, S.Pd. (Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Fisika Nuklir)

Teh Fitria Miftasani, S.Pd. (Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Fisika Nuklir)

Kunjungi Juga:  (Sekolah Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir) (Nuclear Engineering OpenCourseWare from MIT)




Sunday, April 21, 2013

E-Learning for Nuclear Newcomers

Is your country considering nuclear power?

The IAEA is here to help!

We have created an interactive e-learning series explaining the IAEA’s Milestones Approach to introducing a nuclear power programme. This approach is based on three phases and covers the 19 infrastructure issues that need to be addressed, and brings decades of expertise to life. Both newcomers and those expanding their nuclear power programmes may benefit from the e-learning series.

E-learning Modules




We have developed several interactive and engaging e-learning modules for nuclear power development:

Module 1
Implementing a Nuclear Power Programme
is an introduction and overview of
nuclear power infrastructure development

Module 2
 Developing a Human Resource Strategy
focuses on human resources management,
a crucial element of a nuclear power programme
Soon you will find other modules covering stakeholder involvement, management of a new nuclear power programme and construction management. Users should be able to complete all five modules in about 12 hours.






This e-learning project is supported by an extrabudgetary contribution from the Republic of Korea under the Peaceful Uses Initiative It is implemented by the Integrated Nuclear Power Infrastructure Group (INIG) with support from the Nuclear Power Engineering Section (NPES) of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy.

All of the modules are based on the IAEA publications "Milestones in the Development of a National Nuclear Infrastructure for Nuclear Power" (Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-G-3.1), other relevant IAEA publications, and current experiences from newcomer countries.

Source: IAEA

Memahami Mutasi Genetik Akibat Bencana Nuklir

"Kita tidak dapat memegang obor untuk menerangi jalan orang lain tanpa menerangi jalan kita sendiri"
~Pepatah Bijak~

Berawal dari sebuah pertanyaan sederhana:
Kenapa bentuk fisik manusia tidak ada yang sama?

Mengapa setiap individu tiada yang sama persis?

Memahami Mutasi

Mutasi adalah perubahan yang terjadi pada bahan genetik (DNA maupun RNA), baik pada taraf urutan gen (disebut mutasi titik) maupun pada taraf kromosom. Mutasi pada tingkat kromosomal biasanya disebut aberasi. Mutasi pada gen dapat mengarah pada munculnya alel baru dan menjadi dasar munculnya variasi-variasi baru pada spesies.

Mutasi terjadi pada frekuensi rendah di alam, biasanya lebih rendah daripada 1:10.000 individu. Mutasi di alam dapat terjadi akibat zat pembangkit mutasi (mutagen, termasuk karsinogen), radiasi surya, radioaktif, sinar ultraviolet, sinar X, serta loncatan energi listrik seperti petir.

Individu yang memperlihatkan perubahan sifat (fenotipe) akibat mutasi disebut mutan. Dalam kajian genetik, mutan biasa dibandingkan dengan individu yang tidak mengalami perubahan sifat (individu tipe liar atau "wild type").

"Jangan pernah melarikan diri dari masalah, di sanalah engkau belajar, mengenal perjuangan dan makna kehidupan"


Induced mutation

Induced mutations on the molecular level can be caused by:
  • Chemicals
    • Hydroxylamine NH2OH
    • Base analogs (e.g. BrdU)
    • Alkylating agents (e.g. N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) These agents can mutate both replicating and non-replicating DNA. In contrast, a base analog can only mutate the DNA when the analog is incorporated in replicating the DNA. Each of these classes of chemical mutagens has certain effects that then lead to transitions, transversions, or deletions.
    • Agents that form DNA adducts (e.g. ochratoxin A metabolites)
    • DNA intercalating agents (e.g. ethidium bromide)
    • DNA crosslinkers
    • Oxidative damage
    • Nitrous acid converts amine groups on A and C to diazo groups, altering their hydrogen bonding patterns which leads to incorrect base pairing during replication.
  • Radiation
    • Ultraviolet radiation (nonionizing radiation). Two nucleotide bases in DNA – cytosine and thymine – are most vulnerable to radiation that can change their properties. UV light can induce adjacent pyrimidine bases in a DNA strand to become covalently joined as a pyrimidine dimer. UV radiation, particularly longer-wave UVA, can also cause oxidative damage to DNA. Mutation rates also vary across species. Evolutionary biologists have theorized that higher mutation rates are beneficial in some situations, because they allow organisms to evolve and therefore adapt more quickly to their environments. For example, repeated exposure of bacteria to antibiotics, and selection of resistant mutants, can result in the selection of bacteria that have a much higher mutation rate than the original population (mutator strains).

Mutasi Akibat Radiasi Nuklir

Kecelakan di reaktor nuklir Fukushima menyebabkan mutasi gen pada kupu-kupu yang berada di sekitarnya. Para ilmuwan yakin, radioaktif merusak pewarisan genotip.

Radiasi bahan radioaktif yang masih terjadi di Jepang bisa menyebabkan mutasi genetik pada generasi kupu-kupu berikutnya. Ini hasil penelitian Universitas Ryukyu di Okinawa. Sekitar 12 persen jenis kupu-kupu warna biru.

Perubahan gen diperkirakan terjadi ketika binatang itu masih dalam bentuk larva setelah bencana reaktor Maret 2011 lalu di Fukushima. Setelah bermetamorfosis, larva berubah menjadi kupu-kupu yang memiliki ketidak normalan bentuk, seperti bersayap lebih kecil dan memiliki kelainan pada mata.

Peneliti terus membiakkan keturunan serangga itu di laboratorium. 18 persen keturunannya juga mengalami mutasi. Pada generasi ketiga, jumlah kupu-kupu dengan bentuk yang tidak normal bertambah hingga 34 persen, walaupun salah satu orangtuanya berasal dari populasi yang sehat.

Enam bulan setelah bencana Fukushima, para peneliti kembali mengumpulkan 240 jenis kupu-kupu biru dari kawasan sekitar reaktor. 52 persen keturunannya juga menderita mutasi genetik.

Hasil penelitian membuktikan, bahwa radiasi bahan radioaktif di Fukushima merusak pewarisan genotip atau susunan genetik kupu-kupu. Demikian pernyataan para ilmuwan dalam jurnal online "Scientific Reports".

Kupu-kupu dianggap para pakar sebagai semacam indikator alam. Jika mereka bereaksi terhadap lingkungan, maka ini bisa menunjukkan perubahan di masing-masing ekosistem.

Namun, profesor yang meneliti hal tersebut, Jogi Otaki, memperingatkan untuk tidak terlalu cepat menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian tidak bisa dianggap memiliki dampak yang sama bagi jenis hewan lain atau bahkan manusia. Kini para pakar berencana untuk meneliti jenis binatang lain.

Lalu bisakah dengan Iptek Nuklir yang terkendali dan dirancang secara hati-hati serta spesifik dapat membuat mutasi yang bermanfaat bagi kemanusiaan?

Lihat Juga:

Kunjungi juga:  (BATAN) (International Atomic Energy Agency)  (Sekolah Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir) (Masyarakat Nuklir Indonesia) (Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir BATAN) (Nuclear Engineering OpenCourseWare from MIT)


2. Twitter Sahabat
3. X-Men

Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:

1. I Gde Eka Dirgayusa, S.Pd. [Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Biofisika dan Fisika Medis]
2. Defrianto Pratama, S.Pd. [Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Biofisika dan Fisika Medis]
3. Nina Widiawati, S.Pd. [Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Fisika Nuklir]
4. Fitria Miftasani, S.Pd. [Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Fisika Nuklir]

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Energy and Sustainable Development

"Kemerdekaan dalam bidang Energi Mutlak diperlukan oleh suatu negara" 

Investigasi Kritikalitas Reaktor RGTT200K Sebagai Impak
Variasi Radius Bahan Bakar Pebble dan Kernel dengan Berbagai Fraksi Bakar

Oleh: Dr. Zuhair & Dr. Suwoto

Nuclear power is ahead of other energy technologies in ‘internalizing’ all external costs, from safety to waste disposal to decommissioning.

Energy is central to sustainable development and poverty reduction efforts. It affects all aspects of development social, economic, and environmental including livelihoods, access to water, agricultural productivity, health, population levels, education, and gender-related issues.

Kunjungi Juga:

Energy for Sustainable Development:
An Online Training Course for Energy & Development Specialists


Stanford Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD)


Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (GNESD)


Photo by: Me

Monday, April 1, 2013

Nuclear Power, Energy Economics and Energy Security

"Tanpa cinta, kecerdasan itu berbahaya, dan tanpa kecerdasan, cinta itu tidak cukup."
 ~Ainun & Habibie~

Penulis Mengikuti Pertemuan Ilmiah dan Edukatif Mengenai Ipteks Nuklir

Economic development requires reliable, affordable electricity that is provided in sufficient quantities to satisfy the minimum energy requirements at a local, regional or national level.

As simple as this recipe for economic development appears, technological, infrastructural, financial and developmental considerations must be analysed and balanced to produce a national energy strategy.

Complicating that task is the historic fact that energy at the desired price and in the desired quantities can be neither taken for granted nor guaranteed. Energy economics and energy security determine the options available to nations working to establish a sustainable energy strategy for the future.


Kami tambahkan siapa yang mampu mengendalikan hawa nafsu dan dirinya dialah yang akan memiliki syurga.

Penguasaan sektor-sektor strategis di bumi ini menyisakan begitu banyak keprihatinan, dimana sebagian besar aset dunia dikuasai oleh segelintir orang dan mayoritas manusia hanya menikmati sebagian kecil sumber daya di bumi ini.

Inilah yang kita perlu pikirkan bersama dan kerjakan dengan semangat pantang menyerah, mensejahterakan seluruh manusia dengan cara serta kasih-Nya.

Jika saja orang-orang yang memegang kendali sumber daya-sumber daya strategis di bumi ini memiliki hati yang penuh cinta-kasih terhadap sesama, maka dipastikan kehidupan masa depan manusia akan menjadi lebih indah. 

Energy Economics 

A nuclear power reactor is relatively expensive to build but relatively inexpensive to run. That makes it a good investment in some situations, but not in others. It is more attractive where energy demand is growing rapidly, where alternatives are scarce or expensive, where energy supply security is a priority, where reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions is a priority, where financing is available that can wait for longer term returns (which is more characteristic of governments than private industry), and where financial risks are lower due to more predictable electricity demand and prices, stable market structures and strong non-partisan political support.

The 68 power reactors currently under construction around the world reflect these characteristics of favorable investment environments. 

Energy Security 

Another major consideration, in addition to price and resource base considerations, is energy security. The best way to strengthen a country’s energy security is by increasing the diversity and resiliency of energy supply options. For many countries, expanding nuclear power would increase diversity in their electricity supplies. 

Nuclear power has two features that generally further increase resiliency.

Firstly, nuclear electricity generating costs are much less sensitive to changes in fuel prices than are fossil-fired electricity generating costs.

Secondly, the basic fuel uranium is available from diverse producer countries, and small volumes are required, making it easier to establish strategic inventories. 

In practice, the trend has been away from strategic stocks toward supply security based on a diverse well- functioning market for uranium and fuel supply services. But the option of relatively low-cost strategic inventories remains available for countries that find it important. 

Energy Choices 

Countries are different. The right energy mix for a country will depend on how fast its energy demand is growing, on the availability of alternatives like hydro power or shale gas, on its financing options, and on its national preferences and priorities as expressed in national politics. How countries balance the various considerations such as accident risks, inexpensive electricity, mitigating climate change, air pollution, jobs, and energy import dependence is at least partly a matter of national preference.

"Semoga setiap pembelajaran dan usaha kita di dunia ini menjadi bekal untuk bertemu dengan-Nya di Syurga kelak"

Sumber:  (Sekolah Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir) (Nuclear Engineering OpenCourseWare from MIT) (Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:

Kak Rezy Pradipta, Ph.D.
(Alumni Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia, Belajar di Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT)

Dr. Mohamed Mustafa ElBaradei, J.S.D. (Former Director General of IAEA)

Prof. Mujid S. Kazimi, Ph.D. (Director, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems MIT)

Prof. Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto, M.Sc., D.Sc. (Presiden BATAN)

Kak Iqbal Robiyana, S.Pd. (Founder Center for Nuclear Education at Indonesia University of Education)

Teh Nina Widiawati, S.Pd. (Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Fisika Nuklir)

Teh Fitria Miftasani, S.Pd. (Mahasiswa S2 Bidang Peminatan Fisika Nuklir)

Dr. Petros Aslanyan, M.Sc. (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Rusia & Yerevan State University)

Semua keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat ku.

Terima Kasih

Semangat Semoga Bermanfaat